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UDC 005.511:338.48(100)

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics 

Olexander HLADKY,
Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Tourism and Recreation of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



Background. Strengthening of competition processes on the market of tourist services under conditions of cyclical fluctuations and uncertainty on the planet requires the necessity of improvement of the decision-making system and transformation of the management structure of service processes of international tour operators. Such a concept of management system reforming is reengineering of service business processes. Application of business process reengineering as a management method is aimed at radically reforming the activity of the tourist enterprise in the international tourist services market.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Features of reengineering service business processes were investigated in the works of many authors. In particular, work on the reengineering of service business processes of the manufacturing enterprise and on the enterprises of tourism and hospitality deserves special attention.
The aim of the study is to determine peculiarities of organization and implementation of reengineering of service processes in international tour turning. The goal set determines the need to solve such problems: to define the essence of reengineering as a leading mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise; outline the features of reengineering of service business processes in the international tour-run; to systematize basic principles and approaches to reengineering of service processes; to study main stages of realization of reengineering of service processes in the international tour turning.
Results of investigation.  The essence of reengineering as the leading mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise is revealed. The features of reengineering of service business processes in the international tour-operating are outlined. The groups of enterprises - subjects of the international tour- operating, which require the reengineering of service processes, are outlined, and the main directions of restructuring of the latter are outlined. It is determined that it is expedient to implement reengineering, which is based on the "clean sheet" methodology, which will contribute to a radical change in the business processes of the enterprise and the emergence of a new ideology of tourism activity based on creative and intellectual and creative functioning of the system. The basic principles and approaches to the reengineering of service processes are presented. The basic stages of realization of reengineering of service processes in the international tour-turning are determined. It is substantiated that the implementation of management of service processes in international tour turning is considered by us through the mechanism of application of specific methods and techniques for ensuring the effective implementation of a set of opera­tions for obtaining a high level of economic benefits.
Conclusion. The conducted research made it possible to determine the advantages of the concept of reengineering business processes in comparison with other methods of impro­ving international tour operations. The separation of the principles and stages of imple­mentation of the reengineering of service processes initiates the need for a detailed study of the tools of this method. The most effective is the introduction of a "clean sheet" reengi­neering, which will contribute to a radical change in business processes of the enterprise and the emergence of a new ideology of tourism activity, based on creative and intellectual and creative functioning of the system. Implementation of management of service processes in the international tour turning is considered by us through the mechanism of application of specific methods and techniques to ensure the effective implementation of a set of operations to obtain a high level of economic benefits. The successful selection and application of such techniques, methods and measures is the basis for further research in this direction.
Keywords: reengineering, service processes, international tour-operating, competitiveness, improvement of activity.


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